50 years of the Cauchy problem in General Relativity

Electronic proceedings of the summer school on mathematical general relativity and global properties of solutions of Einstein's equations

Cargèse, Corsica, France

July 29 - August 10, 2002

Sponsored by: The European Community Euro Summer Schools Program , CNRS, The Clay Institute, The Tomalla Foundation, La Collectivité Territoriale Corse, CIMPA, IAMP, LMPT Tours, IHES Compaq,

The audio, video, transparencies, and lecture notes (if available) can be accessed by clicking on the name of the lecturer in the left navigation panel.
The titles, abstracts (if available), and videos of all lectures can be accessed from the second left navigation panel (those pages which are not accessible from the main left navigation panel have no transparencies).

Site design and production: Antoine Chopin, Piotr T. Chrusciel, Olivier Boebion, with technical assistance from Pierre Grossi. Hits since April 14, 2003: several; average hits/day